Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 129 The Yan Chi Princes 2

Chapter 129 The Yan Chi Princes 2
As for the third prince, Dongfang Han, if you think about it, he was the only one who had a rivalry with Dongfang Ling.

But someone who understood secretly analyzed it, and really felt that Dongfang Han was really not Dongfang Ling's opponent.

His ambition is too exposed, and his actions of forming cliques in the past two years are also too obvious.

Although Emperor Wu didn't point it out on the surface, it's not hard to see that Emperor Wu still had reservations about this son just because Dongfang Ling was named the prince, but he was still only a county king.

Of course, Dongfang Ling is not really sure to win.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell about the prince, even if he wasn't the mastermind, at least he covered up the murderer.

Although Emperor Wu said that he abandoned the crown prince and chose King Ling in that matter, but the crown prince was the child he devoted the most effort to after all, it was still a matter of chance whether he would anger Dongfang Ling again in the future.

The first batch of hunters had retreated at this time, and the eunuch next to the emperor began to announce the second round of competition.

During his reading, a group of royal family members also stood up from their seats.

When Murong Xue saw Dongfang Ling stood up, she took off the cloak behind her with one hand, and she was wearing a neat short dress, she was really energetic.

At this time, Yin Yi also started to prepare, while exercising her muscles and bones, she said to Chang Huan:
"You follow to pick up the prey!"

Before Chang Huan could nod his head, Murong Xue rushed to say:

"Let me go!"

On the hunting ground, each hunter can bring a follower, mainly to help the master pick up the hunted things, and then deliver them to several eunuchs who specialize in collecting prey.

"What are you going to do?" Yin Yi frowned, and gave her a blank look, "Be honest, these people, how can they do it!"

She understands the meaning of seclusion, and also knows that the less people around her show off in front of others, the better.

She understands the truth, but she feels that this is a good opportunity, because the old Shuo Wang has also left the paddock!

(End of this chapter)

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