Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 130 I want to hunt, I will go with you

Chapter 130 I want to hunt, I will go with you
As early as the old man got up to straighten his clothes, an idea came to her mind.

When riding a horse and hunting, some accidents will inevitably happen.Especially for an old man of his age, if the horse was startled and accidentally let him fall, or if the cat suddenly counterattacked, it was very likely to be fatal.

How could she miss such an opportunity.

"I must go." As he spoke, he took off the pure white cloak from his shoulders like everyone else did. "My riding skills are not bad, much better than your book boy."

"You..." Chang Huan's nose turned out of breath, "Do you have to step on other people's shoulders in order to achieve your goal?"

Murong Xue was happy, and turned her head to look at Chang Huan as if she were looking at a stranger.It wasn't until the other party was a little overwhelmed by her that she said:

"I didn't expect that a book boy could tell such a truth. It seems that it is not unreasonable for the prince to choose you as a book boy."

Chang Huan was speechless, he really didn't know how to continue chatting like a sweet date after a slap in the face.

So he stomped his feet, lowered his head and said to Yin Yi:

"Master, you can divide it among yourself! See who you want to follow."

Yin Yi frowned and looked at Murong Xue, he knew that since this girl was so resolute in going to the paddock with her, there must be her purpose.

But he didn't want to make trouble at this time, Dongsheng was already half short in front of Yanchi, he was the prince Dongsheng, if Murongxue caused trouble when he was by his side, it would not be his fault alone, Most likely another country is involved.

"Chang Huan follows!" He put away his indifferent face, stared at her very seriously, and then said firmly: "I said—let Chang Huan follow!"

"Are you afraid?" Murong Xue smiled coldly, "You are afraid that I will cause trouble for you, so you dare not let me follow?"

(End of this chapter)

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