Chapter 134 She Saved Biqing

It wasn't until this moment that Murong Xue realized that in this world, the so-called slaves are things that are not even as good as cats and dogs.

Don't talk about equality, let alone human rights, slaves are not human at all, so they don't have any rights, including the right to live.

Of course, these two points are still secondary, the most important thing is - Bi Qing was arrested.

Although she is with Yin Yi now, Murong Xue always thinks that she is from Dongfang Ling.

Even after this winter siege, she will go back to Prince Ling's Mansion.

Speaking of being a close servant, in fact, she always thought that she was Dongfang Ling's bodyguard, or that Dongfang Ling was the former National Security Bureau that she needed to be loyal to.

Now the people around him are in trouble, and that person happens to be Biqing, so she has no reason not to help him.

What's more, in the eyes of others, this extremely dangerous hunt is nothing to Murong Xue.

She didn't think that she would die in this massacre at all. On the contrary, if it was possible, it was time for that disgusting old man to be punished.

Going straight to the place where Biqing was standing, she gently pulled the corner of the other party's clothes, and said softly:

"Sister Biqing, follow me for a while, don't leave even a single step."

Biqing was also surprised to see Murong Xuexia coming to the scene.

Seeing her indifferent expression again, I couldn't help feeling a little anxious——

"Do you know how dangerous it will be in a while? How could the prince of Dongsheng let you come over!"

"It's okay." She shook her head, then twitched the corner of her mouth, and said, "Didn't the prince send you here too, I'm not surprised."

"What's the matter?" Biqing frowned, cast a complaining look at the place where Yin Yi was, and then said: "The prince has no choice, the other princes and relatives have not spoken, of course he can't say anything But Prince Dongsheng is different, he is not from Yanchi, if he wants to protect you, he can protect you."

(End of this chapter)

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