Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 135 The Taste of Conspiracy

Chapter 135 The Taste of Conspiracy

"Who cares about him!" Murong Xue snorted softly, "If we really want to fight, we may not know who will protect whom!"

While talking, she looked at Dongfang Ling, only to see that the other party was also looking at her.

She opened her lips lightly, moved them, and said silently:

"Don't worry, I will keep Biqing."

Dongfang Ling nodded, and immediately said:

"Be careful yourself and play by ear."

The two stopped talking. At this time, the forbidden army had surrounded them and led the group of slaves to Linzikou.

And the royal relatives and nobles who were about to get off the paddock also walked to their own horses, followed by an attendant chosen by each.

Yin Yi's side is naturally Chang, and Dongfang Ling is accompanied by a young man.

She had the impression that the man was Gu An, who was also Dongfang Ling's valet.

Similar to Biqing's identity, except that one is outside and the other is inside.

Looking behind the old King Shuo, she was surprised to find that he was accompanied by the commander of the imperial army—Jin Lin!
She was puzzled, with Jin Lin's status as the commander of the forbidden army, how could he be a follower at this time?

Biqing saw that something was wrong with her, followed her gaze, and saw that she was staring at King Shuo and Jin Lin in a daze.Only then did he whisper:
"Prince Shuo is the emperor's elder brother, and the two brothers have a very good relationship. King Shuo is getting old, and the emperor will send Jin Lin to personally protect his safety on several hunting trips in recent times."

Having said that, Murong Xue still smelled a hint of conspiracy in the air.

Especially the hatred that Jin Lin threw at her, and that smirk of Old Shuo Wang.

Her heart moved, and she secretly thought that this was the case.

Jin Lin has always held a grudge against Dongfang Ling because of Concubine Yu's matter. Last time, he conspired with the prince to perform a scene of changing the dragon robes, but he didn't expect that it would make the prince suffer instead.

Now he must have found it too difficult to move Dongfang Ling, so he turned his idea on himself.

After all, it was Murong Xue who killed Concubine Yu, and she was just a slave. It is much easier to want her life than to frame a prince.

As for the old King Shuo, Murong Xue suddenly remembered a saying that is often said in romance novels: If you can't get it, I will destroy it.


Today's update is complete, thank you for your support to Nini. For those who like to read the conclusion, I recommend you to watch the first two parts of Nini's "Secret Agent Series": "Secret Agent 1: Feng Laiyi" and "Secret Agent" 2: My Concubine Is an Agent", all of them are finished texts, you can enjoy watching~!

(End of this chapter)

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