Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 136 Dongfang Ling's Request

Chapter 136 Dongfang Ling's Request
Is he the target he wants to destroy?
Murong Xue shook her head with a wry smile, she finally had a new life, but she still couldn't find peace.

Finally standing down in front of the forest, he suddenly heard Dongfang Ling's voice not far behind him.

Everyone turned their heads, but Dongfang Ling also turned around, and said to Emperor Wu who was sitting on the main stage:

"Father! My son has a request!"

"Say!" Emperor Wu was in good spirits, and looked at the crowd waiting with a smile on his face.

It's just that in Murong Xue's eyes, that smile is as disgusting as that old man Shuo Wang.

Dongfang Ling's voice continued:

"Didn't it be based on one hour? Then if there are still slaves who survived after an hour, can the emperor reward those people to the ministers? Recently, there are not enough servants in the minister's mansion, so we all Give it to your son as a slave!"

Emperor Wu narrowed his eyes slightly, and after a short while, his gaze was on Murong Xue.

He knew that Dongfang Ling would not show such kindness for no reason.

Then the only reason is probably that girl.

Ninth Five Lord clenched his fists tightly, he could conclude that Murong Xue must have done what happened to the prince.

It's a pity that even though he is an emperor, there are some things that he can't do as he wants.

The higher the position, the greater the concern.

For this girl, he has long been determined to kill, but it is a pity that Dongfang Ling is ahead, and he can't find the most ideal successor of the country just because of a disabled son.

Dongfang Ling may not be his favorite, even compared to the other princes, he is not his favorite either.

But Dongfang Ling is most like him!

To be precise, it is like him when he was young.

Emperor Wu understood that no matter which son Yan Chi's country was handed over to, he couldn't let go of his mind.

Only Dongfang Ling.

Therefore, he can't touch Murong Xue at this time.

Of course, if Murong Xue can help Dongfang Ling to stabilize the country, he can let her live until the end of her life.

But if that girl changes midway, he can take her life at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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