Chapter 142
In ancient times, one hour was two hours. If it was her former body, she would enjoy this experience without any consideration.

But not now!

This ten-year-old's body is too weak, if he stays any longer, even if he is not hunted, he will be frozen to death.

What's more, she was still pulling Biqing, even if she survived for a longer time, Biqing couldn't bear it.

And she was covering Biqing's mouth tightly with her hands at this time, which prevented her from screaming out of panic.

While thinking this way, the old Shuo King had already dismounted and went to look for prey elsewhere.

Murong Xue got up cautiously, moved her stiff hands and feet, and smiled wryly at herself.

"Snow, Snow Maiden." Bi Qing also trembled and wanted to stand up, but just halfway up, she fell back down to the snow ground.

She sighed softly, bent over and gave her a hand, which allowed her to stand up successfully.

"What should we do?" Bi Qing was completely out of ideas at this time.

She really wanted to forget that scene just now, but the pools of blood around her kept reminding her of everything that had happened.

Murong Xue was already very indifferent, although this massacre, which only took place at the beginning, did bring her quite a shock.

But after all, it was nothing more than killing people. As early as the first day she entered the operation department, the chief said: If you still can't face death calmly, you will never be able to become a qualified agent.

She is one of the four kings, of course, not afraid of death.

"Get down!" Before Bi Qing could wait for Murong Xue's answer, she suddenly heard her shout again, and then her whole body was pushed down into the snowdrift again.

An arrow stuck coldly into a tree trunk behind him and sank halfway deep.

She looked back, and there was still a big word "Shuo" on the handle of the arrow.

But Murong Xue didn't think it was shot by old man Shuo.

(End of this chapter)

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