Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 143 The Deadly One Arrow

Chapter 143 A Deadly Arrow

Helpless, no matter how fast a person is, she can't go as fast as a horse. She ran for more than ten meters, only to hear two "swish" sounds behind her at the same time.

Murong Xue knew that it was two arrows hanging from one string, and they wanted her life!
Although this body was exhausted to the extreme, even though she had started to feel a little dizzy while running.

But at the juncture of life and death, she still exerted her best psychological quality as an agent to the limit.

Stand still, move your ears slightly, and carefully distinguish the incoming arrow wind.

Immediately, he bowed his body, tapped his toes on the ground, and jumped up out of thin air with a "teng"!
Archery is indeed Jin Lin, but he never expected that the opponent's kung fu is so good.

His two arrows that were fully loaded were actually dodged by him, and Murong Xue was still injured.

This made his head start to sweat, and finally reached an agreement with Lord Shuo. There are so many people in this place, if he can't solve it in a short time, then he may miss the best opportunity .

Thinking in this way, he quickly drew another arrow from behind, aiming at Murong Xue's falling body again.

Seeing that he was about to draw the bow again, Murong Xue secretly cried out.

Her body that cannot move freely is really her biggest constraint, and she really has no way to guarantee that she will be able to avoid another arrow.

But at this moment, there was another sound of horseshoes running towards this side of the woods.

She was also a little surprised, if a few more princes came without getting rid of Jin Lin, let alone Biqing couldn't hide, even whether she could save her life was uncertain.

Thinking like this, Jin Lin's arrow was already on the string, and the hand that pulled the string was about to let go.

Murong Xue's body that was still in mid-air suddenly turned sharply, went straight to a big tree and rushed over.

As soon as he hid behind the tree, Jin Lin's arrow had already been released.

(End of this chapter)

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