Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 160 Why are you bothering?

Chapter 160 Why are you bothering?
The yard fell silent all of a sudden, and neither of the two girls made a sound, they just looked at each other quietly, and gradually, disappointment appeared in one's eyes, while sadness filled the other's eyes.

"Why are you bothering?" Murong Xue straightened her waist and rolled over from the branch neatly.Then he stared straight at the girl in front of him, and said after a while: "Why are you doing this?"

Murong Shuang retreated slowly, shaking her head while retreating, and then smiled wryly——

"Sister! It's not necessary, it's really not necessary."

The little figure retreated all the way to the gate of the yard, then raised his hand and waved at her——

"Shuang'er is sleepy, sister, see you tomorrow!"

She didn't call for anyone, and didn't try to stop her, just watched the weak figure leave step by step.

Murong Shuang's shoulders were trembling slightly, and she knew that it was her crying.

"Why are you bothering?" Suddenly a man's voice came, she was slightly stunned, then turned around, faced the direction of the voice, and said, "My lord!"

Dongfang Ling's silent arrival made her very annoyed, her vigilance was getting worse and worse, and she didn't even notice that there were more people coming out of the yard.

But you can't be resentful, Dongfang Ling is the master, this palace is his, where can't he go?

"Why do you say that others are bothering, but what about yourself? That girl's heart is ashamed, can't you see it?"

Dongfang Ling floated down from the roof, and landed in front of Murong Xue.

There is a bright moon in the sky tonight, reflecting the snow on the ground, which makes people feel a bit dazzling.

A tree hanging on her long eyelashes, very charming.

"She is my younger sister after all." She lowered her head, unwilling to meet Dongfang Ling's eyes.It's just explaining the facts over and over again - "She is my sister after all, how can I not care about it."

"Didn't you say you don't remember!" Dongfang Ling's eyes fell on her head again. The little girl usually doesn't want to wear more makeup, but she uses hairpins to tie up her long hair when she is practicing.

(End of this chapter)

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