Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 161 Murong Shuang committed suicide

Chapter 161 Murong Shuang committed suicide

He personally picked this hairpin from Mo Yunxuan's treasure house.

There is a big ruby ​​on it, which looks exaggerated, but it is so suitable to match her snow-white body.

Of course, Murong Xue didn't know about this.

The reason why I chose this hairpin is that I simply think it is really beautiful, that's all.

"I don't remember, how can I still have such deep feelings and concerns. The Murong Xue I know should be a person whose relatives do not recognize cold-bloodedness. Since when did you have that thing called compassion?"

She sighed softly, Dongfang Ling's words reminded her.

yes!Since when did she also have that thing called compassion?
"It's one thing not to remember, but once you know it, you can't ignore it." She raised her head and continued: "Did Shuang'er cause you trouble in this mansion?"

He shook his head:
"It's just a few girls, there's nothing troublesome." After speaking, he walked straight towards the gate of the courtyard, and said as he walked: "Actually, it's good for you to be like this. You are a little bit worried, and you can live a little bit." taste!"

Tonight's Dongfang Ling was very strange, but Murong Xue only thought about it for a while, and then she understood his thoughts.

But he couldn't help but smile wryly, only saying that Dongfang Ling is also a contradictory person.

On the one hand, she doesn't want to be as cold and ruthless as him, and on the other hand, she feels that only by continuing her original appearance, can she be the real Murong Xue.

But people always have to change, don't they?

Another set of body skills was launched, and it was not stopped until he was sweating in this freezing environment.

She just stopped here, and before she could turn back to the house, she heard a commotion outside the yard.

After a while, a servant ran towards her, and when he saw her standing in the yard panting slightly, he was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately said:
"Miss Xue, it's bad! Miss Shuang'er... she swallowed gold and committed suicide!"

(End of this chapter)

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