Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 162 Dongfang Ling is Angry

Chapter 162 Dongfang Ling is Angry
"Sister Biqing, ask the servants to get some sugar water!" Murong Xue turned to look at her, and said, "Warm is good, put more sugar, I'll feed her."

Looking at the servants around him again, he said:
"I'm so sorry for messing up everyone before daybreak. Go and rest! It's good that I'm here!"

Hearing what she said, the people on the couch were indeed not in danger anymore, Biqing thought about it and asked everyone to disperse.

She herself nodded to Murong Xue, and then walked out of the house lightly, but when she reached the door, she unexpectedly found that Dongfang Ling had already stood there at some point.

She wanted to salute, but the other party just waved his hand and walked into the room by himself.

Biqing shook her head, closed the door behind her hand, and then went to do her own business.

Seeing Dongfang Ling coming in, Murong Xue was not too surprised.

It wasn't long before the two separated, and he ran here in a hurry, so it was impossible for him not to know.

It's just that the look in his eyes looking at Murong Shuang at this time is really a little frightening, he is not angry and pretentious, coupled with this look, it really makes the girl on the bed tremble a little.

Murong Xue stepped forward to block between the two, looking at Dongfang Ling with questions and prayers.

"Stand away." He looked at the girl in front of him, frowning slightly, but his voice was as calm as possible.

But Murong Xue could see his anger, but she was a little puzzled.

She shook her head and said:

"This matter will be handled properly by the servant, so don't bother the prince to worry about it."

"Let me tell you to stand away." He was very insistent, seeing that the person was not moving, he simply stepped forward and pulled the person away.

Finally meeting Murongshuang's eyes, Dongfang Ling realized that he had never been so angry before.

Originally, whether this girl was alive or dead had nothing to do with him, but he just heard a sister's concern for her younger sister not long ago, and after a while, this younger sister chose to give up in such a way!
(End of this chapter)

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