Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 180 A good show is about to be staged

Chapter 180 A good show is about to be staged

Dongfang Ling was the first to react, but he turned his head and said to Murong Xue:

"Go to Mo Yunxuan to pick up a cloak for this king, it's getting colder and colder."

"Hey!" Bai Mosheng waved his hand, and said bluntly: "Don't worry, King Ling!" Then he raised his fan and pointed to the inside of the arena, at this time a masked dancer came up to the stage, stomping his resolute legs vigorously. dance steps. "Look!" He said again, "A good show is about to begin!"

Before the two of them understood what he meant, suddenly the dancers in the field began to speed up their dance steps, turning round and round, and all four people applauded in surprise.

Murong Xue clenched her fists, a strong sense of crisis arose in her heart.

She looked at Dongfang Ling, and saw that the other party also frowned, but turned his eyes to Bai Mosheng again.

"Mr. Bai made a good move!" He played the voice coldly, not hiding his dissatisfaction at all.

That Bai Mosheng didn't mind, he still smiled indifferently, and then said:
"My lord knows that some things will not happen if you don't do them. Since things will happen sooner or later, why don't you start early and find a favorable opportunity for yourself?"

While speaking, the figure of the dancer began to move closer to Emperor Wu.

When they were two steps away from going up the steps, suddenly the people in the front row leaned on the ground and straightened up a few feet high. At the same time, they stretched their arms forward, and a few gleaming daggers went straight to the target person and stabbed them.

Emperor Wu was startled, raised his hand and grabbed a jar of fine wine in front of him, and threw it at the passerby.

With a "bang bang", the wine jar shattered, but it couldn't stop the assassin's sharp knife.

Emperor Wu fought in the battlefield for many years when he was young, but now he is old, suffering from various ailments, his body is not as good as before.

There were five assassins attacking at the same time, and for a moment, he didn't know where to hide, he just froze on the spot with the screams of the concubines around him, staring straight at the sharp blades.

(End of this chapter)

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