Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 181 Hermit is the Assassin's Master

Chapter 181 Hermit is the Assassin's Master

"Escort!" I don't know who suddenly yelled, and immediately, a large number of imperial guards rushed to the main stage.

Fighting each other, they finally successfully blocked the first wave of attacks.

But the first wave recedes, and the second wave will come soon.

Those mask dancers flocked to Emperor Wu like a tide, and fought with a large number of imperial guards.

A few other assassins walked away, and went straight to hermitage not too far away from Dongfang Ling.

Murong Xueji turned her head, subconsciously touched the brocade pouch with needles on her waist with one hand.

But at this moment, a person who had rushed to Yin Yi suddenly shouted loudly:
"Master! Let's go!"

Yin Yi was shocked, he was just watching this extraordinary situation.

After all, this was in the Yanchi country, and the assassin wanted to kill the emperor of Yanchi, so it had nothing to do with him.

As long as he protects himself, the people around him don't matter.

But at this time, the assassin in front of him opened his mouth and called himself the master, which really shocked both him and Chang Huan.

"Who are you?" He asked sharply, "What kind of master do you recognize?"

Chang Huan, who was standing behind him, also reflected at this time, and then said:

"Yes! Who are you! This is the prince of Dongsheng, what does it have to do with you!"

"Oh my master!" The man stomped his feet, took out an object from his arms, and handed it forward: "This subordinate is someone sent by the emperor! The emperor has orders, no matter the success of the assassination of Yanchi Lord Whether or not, the prince must be rescued first!"

Yin Yi frowned and looked at the object, it was a waist card with the word "Yin" clearly branded in big gilt characters on it.

He naturally recognized that it was something unique to the Dongsheng royal family.

In addition to him, the crown prince, there are also his father and mother who hold such a waist card.


Today's update is complete, thank you for your support to Nini. For those who like to read the conclusion, I recommend you to watch the first two parts of Nini's "Secret Agent Series": "Secret Agent 1: Feng Laiyi" and "Secret Agent" 2: My Concubine Is an Agent", all of them are finished texts, you can enjoy watching~!

(End of this chapter)

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