Chapter 182

Seeing that Yin Yi was still in a daze, the masked man said anxiously:
"Master! What are you waiting for, let's go! If you don't go, it will be too late!"

At this moment, Chang Huan held down the hand that was grasping towards Yin Yi, and said with doubts:
"Who are you guys? The accent doesn't sound like Dongsheng's?"

"This..." The man didn't expect Chang Huan to ask this one time, but fortunately he responded quickly enough, and immediately said: "My hometown is in the north." Then he looked at Yin Yi: "Master, if you don't leave, it will be too late! "

While talking, without waiting for Yin Yi's reaction, he greeted the people on both sides, and immediately a few of them hugged Yin Yi's arms and were about to run out.

But at this moment, a dark green figure flashed past and stood in front of everyone.

Behind that figure, there is another white light.

They are all extremely fast, so fast that people can't even see the process of moving.

"Prince Dongsheng! Where are you going?"

The one who spoke was Dongfang Ling, and the one following him was naturally Murong Xue.

Yin Yi sighed softly in his heart, he has always tried his best to maintain the relationship with the princes of Yanchi, not to be too close, but also not to be rigid.

But now it seems that all previous efforts have been in vain.

He wanted to speak, but the people around him didn't give him the chance.

A few masked dancers greeted Dongfang Ling. The latter flickered left and right, seemingly not taking it lightly, but his movements and footsteps were extremely mysterious. with his.

But they managed to create an opportunity for Yin Yi to escape. On one side, Dongfang Ling was entangled, and on the other side, someone began to secretly pull Yin Yi to the door.

The girl in white frowned slightly. After receiving Dongfang Ling's signal, she raised her hand and immediately caught two embroidery needles between her fingers.

With just one movement, the two needles shot out powerfully at the same time, but they diverged into two directions on the way, one at the back knee of the two people who were supporting Yin Yi, and stabbed at the back knee.

(End of this chapter)

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