Chapter 183 Only One Survivor
But after hearing two sounds of "ouch" and "ouch", the two of them fell to the ground together, and even Yin Yi took a step forward.

He turned his head, met Murong Xue's eyes, but shook his head anxiously, as if he wanted to explain something.

It's a pity that at this time she was looking at Dongfang Ling, and the two of them just missed it.

Yin Yi felt a little lonely, then looked at Murong Xue who was walking towards Dongfang Ling without hesitation, and blurted out unconsciously——

"It's still him after all."

"Master, what did you say?" Chang Huan was beside him, but couldn't hear clearly because of the chaos in the arena.

"Nothing!" He waved his hand casually, at this moment, the two of them were already surrounded by Yanchi's imperial guards, and it was impossible to run away.

The people who were entangled with Dongfang Ling were quickly dispersed, and the two turned their heads to look at the main stage, only to see a masked assassin looking for a gap, and drew a dagger towards Emperor Wu's back. To stab.


Dongfang Ling spoke suddenly, and the girl beside him didn't even think about it, she raised her hand and shot another needle, and it was inserted into the man's temple fiercely in just a moment.

The dagger that was about to stab Emperor Wu was released from his hand with a "clang", declaring the complete failure of the assassination.

When counting, everyone found that most of the assassins had died in the fierce battle, and there was only one person who was still alive.

Emperor Wu was so angry that he fell down on his chair, and Longyan was furious.

For a moment, the platform was extremely quiet, except for the panting of the soldiers of the Imperial Army after fighting.

"Since you have the guts to commit an assassination, let's talk about the origin!"

A cold voice was thrown out, and everyone looked for the reputation, but it was Dongfang Ling.

Emperor Wu cast an approving gaze, he indeed saw himself in his youth in this second son.

I just sigh for the long years, and in a blink of an eye, the curtain has fallen.

(End of this chapter)

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