Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 201 Xue, I'm Ready to Travel Far Away

Chapter 201 Xue, I'm Ready to Travel Far Away
After the red light was hung up and coaxed Shuang'er to play for a while, Dongfang Ling gave Murong Xue a look and signaled her to come with him.

She naturally understood what he meant, so she handed Murong Shuang to Biqing, turned around and followed Dongfang Ling's footsteps.

Seeing the two leaving, Bi Qing stepped forward, intending to drag Murong Shuang to the front yard.

But he found that the girl was staying where she was, pursing her mouth slightly and looking at the two people going away, her big eyes blinking, as if she was wronged.

"Let's go!" She tugged lightly, successfully attracting the girl's attention.

Murong Shuang suddenly whispered at this moment:

"Lord Ling is so kind to my sister."


The two went straight into the study room, and as soon as they entered the room, Dongfang Ling spoke first, and said plainly:

"Xue, I'm about to go on a long trip."

She nodded and agreed first, and then said:

"What's the matter?"

Dongfang Ling thought for a while and said——

"They stole Ah Tong's beads!"

As soon as she turned her thoughts, she thought that the other party was repeating what she heard from Dongfang Yu.

However, there were many things that she really didn't understand, so she asked:
"Who is Ah Tong? What is the bead? Is it important?"

In her mind, Ah Tong should be alone, and a woman at that.The beads belonged to her, and now Dongsheng stole them.

But why is the bead so important, so important that Wu Shang would rather give up this battle that is sure to win?
Dongfang Ling shook his head:
"I don't know. But there are at least two conjectures. One is because Ah Tong is very important to the father, so her things are also important. The second is that the bead itself has something special." , so that it cannot fall into Dongsheng's hands."

"The first type may be more, isn't it?" Murong Xue shrugged, "I really can't think of anything special about a bead. If it is really a treasure, then Dongsheng will not easily exchange it like this .For your royal family, state affairs are always more important than family affairs, and the country is always more important than a son...Right!"

(End of this chapter)

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