Chapter 202 Stealing Things

Her words were cruel, but Dongfang Ling did not refute.

The most is the ruthless emperor's family, how could he not know that he was born here.

"What do you want me to do?" Murong Xue turned her head to the side, thought for a while, and said to herself, "Steal something?"

Dongfang Ling nodded:
"That's right! I want to steal that thing before the exchange between the two countries. I don't trust anyone to complete this matter except you. Of course, more importantly, I don't want others to know."

"What about Yin Yi?" She looked straight into his eyes and questioned. "Without the beads, what would you ask Dongsheng to use in exchange?" After another thought, he suddenly said, "Let me choose again?"

"What to choose!" Dongfang Ling laughed, "Why did you become confused? I have never seen any kind of beads, so how can the third child know? Dongsheng is not a fool, the prince can still be saved when the things are gone. Naturally, it’s time to randomly take out one and replace the person first.”

"Oh." Murong Xue nodded, slightly relieved, and then said: "Wang Ye is defending the Third Highness?"

"Yes." He didn't deny it, "That's something my father cares about, so I naturally want to take it back. But this skill can't be stolen by the third child. If what he gets back is a fake one, after that I will take the real one back." Get it back, this effect..."

"The lord's move is really cruel." She was helpless, and the royal family affection she just mentioned was shown again cruelly.

"Actually..." Dongfang Ling paused, then lowered his voice, and continued: "Actually, it would be even better if that thing could really threaten Father. At his age, he should rest It is absolutely impossible for him to give up a big battle that must be won for one thing. Of course, if that thing is just a thought, give it back to him! As a favor, Not bad."

(End of this chapter)

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