Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 227 Xuexue, I'm going to marry you in the future

Chapter 227 Xuexue, I'm going to marry you in the future
But then again, all these appearances are under the premise that he doesn't speak.

It's fine if he doesn't speak, but once he speaks...maybe other people will find him funny, and there will even be women who will fall in love with his sweet words.

But for Murong Xue, she can only give him two words - idiot!
"How old are you?" she asked suddenly. "fourteen?"

Tang Chu gave a thumbs up and said:
"It was fourteen a few days ago! After this big year, it's fifteen now!"

"Hmph!" She snorted softly, thinking to herself: No wonder. 15-year-old junior high school student only.

As soon as she thought about it this way, her mind calmed down a lot.

I am in my twenties anyway, so why bother with a child!
When he arrives in Dongsheng, send him to a lively place and let him play by himself. She should do whatever she wants.

"Xuexue, you are dishonest!" Tang Chu's horse moved closer to her, "What are you humming? According to me, you are only ten years old! I am so much older than you, hey! How about you Call me brother?... No way!" As soon as the words came out, he retorted, "No way! It's not good to call me brother! My Xuexue is the one I, Tang Chu, will marry in the future, so you can't call me brother , then it is called..."

"Tang Chu, are you sick?" Murong Xue couldn't bear him to continue talking nonsense, she looked at him coldly, and said after a long while: "Are you delusional? This is a disease, and it needs to be cured!"

"What I said is true!" Tang Chu said it as a matter of course, and then patted her chest—"Xuexue, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life, Tang Chu! And we were born and died together just now ..."

"Shut up!" Murong Xue slapped his horse's buttocks with a whip, and the horse carrying Tang Chu was startled by the sudden lash of the whip, and galloped away, neighing all the way.

Tang Chu yelled in fright, and then hugged the horse's neck to death, not daring to move again.


Thank you for your concern, Nini is much better today, but she still coughs continuously, and her lungs are almost coughing up.I haven't updated it for two days. I'm really sorry everyone. I'm so dizzy that I can't think of anything.

Some people say that Nini is pretending to be sick, so I would like to clarify with you here.I really don’t need to pretend to be sick. First, no one wants to curse themselves for being sick. Second, if something really happens, I can tell the truth. It’s not a heinous crime. Who can live without a problem 365 days a year? Third, Ni is a full-time writer. To put it bluntly, I rely on writing for food and writing for my family.If I don't write, I have no income myself.So you think I'll be idle and pretend to be sick?Sickness cannot happen every day, but a cold and fever cannot be cured in one day, right?I can guarantee that on the third day, the boss got up and coded is already at the limit of my physical strength.

Thank you again for your concern, I will definitely get better as soon as possible and resume normal updates.

(End of this chapter)

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