Chapter 228 Tang Chu Raids
"Hahaha!" Seeing his appearance, Murong Xue laughed until her stomach ached.After a few quick steps, he came closer, then bent down, met Tang Chu's eyes, and said loudly: "You are so young, why do you want to marry or not? I don't care how old you are or how old I am! You pervert? "

"People will grow up!" Tang Chu never forgot to fight for his lifelong happiness even when the horses were galloping wildly and his body was unstable, "I am young now, and I will grow up in a few years! Xuexue, don't worry, even if I, Tang Chu, have read all the beauties in the world, I will definitely reserve the position of my wife! Don't worry! We are a life-or-death friendship, born to die..."

"Who is going through life and death with you!" Murong Xue's nose is about to crooked, "That kind of crap like falling into a pigsty can be regarded as life and death? Don't be ashamed anymore, okay? If you want to walk with me, just shut your mouth Come on! As long as you don't speak, it's fine! Talking will affect the overall beauty, you know?"

"You also admit that I'm handsome?" Tang Chu didn't care about Murong Xue's tone at all, but instead raised the corners of his mouth proudly, "Xue Xue, don't worry, I will never disgrace you. When you grow up Now, the two of us standing together, it must be a beautiful tree, a perfect match, a gifted scholar and a beautiful woman... ah—"


There were two screams in succession, and the two people who were sitting on the horses suddenly rose into the air.

The two horses that were running on the road suddenly bent their front legs and knelt on the ground.

Immediately after the horse tripped, Murong Xue saw a net coming down from mid-air, so she made a plan.

Turning over, he directly unfolded the first half of the sweeping posture, let his body sway in mid-air, ran straight in one direction, and then sprinted out sideways.

Seeing that people were about to get out of the control range of the net, but at this moment, Tang Chu, who got off the horse's back one step ahead of her, didn't know what happened to her nerves, and suddenly rushed towards her, arms outstretched. One, tightly hugging the person.

(End of this chapter)

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