Chapter 229 Help
When she could finally see clearly, Murong Xue found that the people coming were like a group of merchants, two young men rode in front, followed by three carriages.There was a driver sitting outside each of the two carriages in front, and two people were driving the carriage behind, with two other young people guarding the left and right.

A group of people gradually came to a halt, and a young man running ahead looked at the two wounded horses lying on the ground, and said strangely:
"How can there be a horse lying on the ground here?"

Another person jumped off his horse and stepped forward, took a few glances, and said:
"It seems that they just fell down. The two horses are still panting. It seems that they ran very fast before."

"That's strange, where's their owner?"

The two looked around while talking, Murong Xue frowned slightly, she didn't want to cause trouble, as long as these people leave, she can get out of this net soon.

It's a pity that she had a good idea, but she forgot that there was an extremely unreliable activist beside her - Tang Chu!
As soon as Tang Chu saw someone coming, he was so happy that he almost stood up, put one hand on the net and the other hand stretched out from the hole to wave desperately, and at the same time shouted——

"Master is here! Master is here! Help! Help us!"

Murong Xue only felt her head explode with a "buzz", and the needle in her hand had the urge to insert it directly into Tang Chu's temple.

At the same time, he cursed in his heart that he was also an idiot, how could he go on the road with such a burden?
As soon as they heard someone calling for help, the people below raised their heads one after another, and saw the two people who were tied in the net at a glance.

A young man let out a soft cry of "ah", and then ran to the big tree where they were hanging.

After looking at it for a while, he pulled out the dagger in his trousers and swung it upwards. A rope wrapped around a tree was cut by its sharpness.

As soon as the rope was broken, Murong Xue and Tang Chuqi fell down together.

(End of this chapter)

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