Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 230 Oh!The words of breaking the sleeves have come true!

Chapter 230 Oh!The words of breaking the sleeves have come true!
Tang Chu was so frightened by the sudden fall that he yelled loudly, but Murong Xue wanted to retaliate and turned her body so that her whole body covered him.

Literally, the two landed together.

However, it was Tang Chu who was in contact with the ground, and Murong Xue fell on top of him comfortably.

Tang Chu was in so much pain that tears were about to fall out, but the person who fell on top of him laughed so hard that his stomach ached.

"Haha!" She was so happy!Happy! "Tang Chu! It's good luck not to crush you to death! It's really unlucky to meet you, Plague God!"

"Xuexue!" Tang Chu wailed, "Why do you hate Xuexue so much! You're murdering your own husband, trying to suppress him!"

"Whose husband are you!" Another slap was slapped on his head, "If you talk nonsense again, I'll cut your tongue off!"

"How could you be so willing! Xuexue, look at you, you are so beautiful, gentle, kind, and virtuous..."

"Cough cough!"

Two people here are arguing, and the person standing on the side can't stand it anymore.

The young man who put the man down curled his lips and said:

"You two are so shameless that you can say such unethical words!"

The two were taken aback for a moment, only to realize that there were still people watching.

Murong Xue stood up quickly, and kicked Tang Chu again, signaling him to get up too.

Then he raised his head and looked at the speaker, not understanding what he meant.

"What ethics? What are you talking about?"

The man pointed at her—

"The two men said such things in broad daylight. Isn't it against ethics?"

This man was very young, he looked a year or two younger than Tang Chu, his eyes were full of contempt when he said this, and he clearly looked down on them.

It was only then that Murong Xue realized that what Tang Chu had said before had really come true, and some people really regarded them as good people with broken sleeves.

She smiled wryly, but Tang Chu bent over with a straightforward smile.


I am here today, sorry everyone, I am really uncomfortable!
Dear friends who like to read the conclusion, I recommend everyone to watch the first two parts of Nini's "Secret Agent Series": "The Concubine Secret Service 1: There is Feng Laiyi" and "The Concubine Secret Service 2: My Concubine Is a Secret Service". This is the end of the article, everyone can enjoy it~!

(End of this chapter)

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