Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 237 Tang Chu was murdered

Chapter 237 Tang Chu was murdered
The wooden frame of the car window was smashed by the impact, and I don't know who was injured, and it was slightly bloodstained.

The two were thrown to the ground and immediately cried together.

Murong Xue didn't bother to pay attention, and hurriedly looked at Tang Chu.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but after looking at it, her lungs almost exploded.

It turned out that Tang Chu fell off the cliff with the young man, and the eldest son standing on top came to rescue him.

But obviously the side where Tang Chu was standing was closer to the Eldest Young Master, but the man felt that he was not sure about saving two people at the same time, so he bypassed Tang Chu with his arms and went directly to catch his younger brother.

"Bastard!" she shouted angrily.

After throwing down a sentence, the man flew up and stabbed straight at the place where Tang Chu fell.

Fortunately, Tang Chu was lucky enough to grab another tree trunk without falling too deep.

Murong Xue also naturally reached out to grab it, and then looked at the person hanging in midair, and said with air:

"Tell you to meddle in your own business! You even went to save people, but they don't care about your life at all!"

Tang Chu wanted to laugh again, but he couldn't laugh because of the current situation, so he just grinned, and said:
"Don't just talk about me, you're going to save people too! I saw you dragged the old man and the girl out."

"I wish I had known that bastard bypassed you to save his younger brother, and I wouldn't have saved those two even if I were killed!"

She doesn't often say dirty words, but there are always times when people are provoked, and what the young man did really touched the limit of Murong Xue's morality.

The slight goodwill towards this group of people before disappeared in an instant.

The snow was getting heavier and heavier, and gradually, I couldn't see the situation above clearly.

"Hey!" Murong Xue raised her voice and shouted, "People above, don't worry about your own survival! Throw a rope down and pull us up!"

"Yes! Hurry up and save us!"

Tang Chu also called for help, but his superiors did not respond for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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