Chapter 238 What is freedom

She kills opponents, mission targets, people who are unfavorable to her, and people who threaten her.

Just now, when Tang Chu was about to give up her life in order for her to live, she was still thinking about killing him herself.

It is natural to attribute this ending to fate, but Tang Chu's words ring in his ears again.

She remembered him saying—

"As long as you dare to shake your head at fate, you can get the freedom you want."

He told her not to believe in fate, he asked her to be her own master.


"But Tang Chu," Murong Xue said sadly, "If it's not fate, then how can we explain this acquaintance between you and me? If it's not fate, why would you give up your life just because you've known me for less than a day?"

She stood up and wiped the tears from her face with her hand.

Gradually, the sadness was absorbed.

The fake merchant fled on horseback, but the cart that pulled the cart was not unloaded.

She untied one of the horses, tied the saddle tightly and turned back up.

The depression in her heart was tightly suppressed, and she knew that no matter what the grief, the mission still had to continue.

In fact, she can shake her head at fate in many cases, such as now.

Now she can just leave here. The mountains are high and the roads are far away. It is basically impossible for the ancients without modern communication facilities to find her in the vast crowd.

But she doesn't know what freedom is!
Get the freedom you want... what is that?
She admitted that she had been controlled for too long, that she had become numb for so long, that she no longer knew how to live alone.

Looking down at the cliff again, the girl on the horse suddenly smiled.

She had known Tang Chu for only one day, but she had to admit that she was happy during this day, and her mood was joyful.

Tang Chu not only greets people with a smile, but also calls her Xuexue very easily, makes some irrelevant and harmless jokes, and bluntly says that he must marry her when he grows up.

(End of this chapter)

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