Chapter 256
Between women and Jiangshan, Emperor Wu's heart is probably already biased towards the latter.

Murong Xue sat on the tree fork, quietly looking at a tent not far away, her eyes moved slightly, as if she was looking for something.

Suddenly, a few eagle cries were heard in the sky.

Her nerves tensed suddenly, and when she looked up, she saw several hawks circling above the camp, singing from time to time.

She waited quietly, and after a while, she saw one of the eagles suddenly plummeting down, rushing towards one of the tents.

The hand holding the branch tightened suddenly, and Murong Xue understood that that tent was the place of hermitage.

It's a pity that the eagle didn't get close to the camp. The soldiers below seemed to be prepared, and immediately shot straight after hearing the eagle's cry.

The bird dangerously dodged a few arrows, and made a few more charges. Seeing no results, it left a whining cry and flew back into the air, taking its companions with spread wings.

She looked at it for a while, then probed again, looking in the direction the bird was flying away.

It's a pity that the night is too dark, and the distance that can be seen is really limited. I know there will be a falconer waiting there, but I can't see what's going on.

She was a little relieved, at least Dongsheng's people did not give up protecting hermitage.

At this time, there was some commotion in the camp, and someone was leaving the tent chosen by the eagle.

Some soldiers came forward to stop her, and she saw that it was Chang Huan who came out.

It seems that the tent is indeed lived by Yin Yi, and I really have the urge to touch it and say a few words to him.

But I really don't know what to say when we meet.

Could it be that she wants to tell him: I stole the beads that I want to exchange with you, and the things that Dongsheng will use to redeem people tomorrow are fake, so you should take care of them yourself.

She doesn't guess how Yin Yi will react for the time being, but if Chang Huan hears about it, he will definitely draw out a sword and fight her desperately.

She had no intention of harming him, but if Yin Yi really had something to do, it would have nothing to do with her.

This kind of contradiction has always been entangled in Murong Xue's heart, making her at a loss as to what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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