Chapter 257
Not long after Chang Huan came out, he was invited back by the soldiers. It seemed that his attitude was polite, but it was a fact that they couldn't get out of the tent.

Murong Xue couldn't guess what Yin Yi was doing inside, and if she got closer to her hometown, would she feel some feelings?

The barracks became quiet again. She looked at it for a while and gave up the idea of ​​further inquiry.

In fact, there is nothing to explore, it is nothing more than Dongfang Han who wants to abduct her back to hermit while he has obtained the bead.

In short, the third prince will not let him go honestly, she is absolutely sure of this.

He was about to slide down from the tree and go back to the inn in the city, but at this moment, he saw Dongfang Han's curtain was lifted again, and a person flashed out from inside.

The movement was very fast. After coming out, he looked left and right, then walked straight ahead quickly, turned a corner, and rushed into another military tent.

The tent was originally lit with candles, but the man extinguished it not long after he entered, and then there was no movement, and he seemed to be asleep.

Murong Xue wrinkled her heart tightly, and swept the figure from her mind like a gathering image, and gradually, a name popped up from the bottom of her heart——

Gu An!

Dongfang Ling's personal bodyguard, Gu An!
How could he come?

She didn't understand, she didn't hear that Dongfang Ling would let Gu An accompany him, and even if Gu An came, how could he be with Dongfang Han?
All kinds of doubts were stuck in her heart, and she wanted to go in to find out, but she finally gave up after the person slid down the tree trunk.

Years of working as an agent made her understand that no one will always be reliable except herself.

Even if he was an accomplice fighting side by side one second ago, he might point his gun at himself the next second.

Feng Su'er is an example.

The agent who died under her gun would never have imagined that this beautiful killer who came from the National Security Bureau with him would break his head with a bullet without warning.

So now she has no way to trust Gu An anymore, and even has some doubts about Dongfang Ling.


Today's update is complete, thank you for your support to Nini. For those who like to read the conclusion, I recommend you to watch the first two parts of Nini's "Secret Agent Series": "Secret Agent 1: Feng Laiyi" and "Secret Agent" 2: My Concubine Is an Agent", all of them are finished texts, you can enjoy watching~!

There are also good-looking ending articles "The Concubine of the Qingcheng Doctor Embraces the Emperor's Favor: The Palace Doctor Sighs" and "What Year Is the Eve of Qing Chuanzhi", all of which are looking forward to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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