Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 258 2 Army confrontation

Chapter 258
Subconsciously, she groped for the brocade bag, and she had already packed the bead in a small, wooden jewelry box, successfully concealing its light...

She turned around, her face was frosty at that moment.

Humans are the most unreliable creatures, and the officer is right.

Turning back to the inn where I lived again, I fell into the bed and slept together.

It will be dawn in more than an hour, and she must use this short time to rest as much as possible, maybe tomorrow morning, there will be a big battle.


The exchange between Yanchi and Dongsheng was in the eastern suburbs of Tuzhou City. The two sides faced each other, with only a distance as big as a basketball court between them.

At this time, Murong Xue was wandering in the nearby forest, a small slope successfully blocked her figure, but did not obstruct her sight.

The person who came from Yanchi was indeed Dongfanghan. He took the lead, and surrounded by many soldiers, he raised his arms and pointed at Dongsheng's envoy, shouting loudly:

"People of Dongsheng listen, you have been safe for a hundred years under my Yanchi's protection. Instead of thanking you, you sent assassins to assassinate my lord. I didn't expect Dongsheng's Emperor Chongren to be like that ungrateful villain. It made my emperor very sad. You not only sent people to assassinate, but also stole the orb from our country. Now my emperor is kind, and I would like to exchange it with your prince, and you will quickly present the orb so that this king can tell the truth. fake!"

When he said this, Murong Xue took a special look at Dong Sheng's envoy.

He was a general in his early thirties, with heavy armor and thousands of Dongsheng cavalry behind him.

When Dongfang Han said the word "authenticity", his eyes blinked twice quickly, the unnaturalness caught her eyes, and he couldn't help sweating away.

Suddenly, I felt that I was too sensitive and only blinked. In the eyes of others, it might not be a big deal at all.

But there is always a worry, not only because of the general's subconscious uneasiness, but also because of Dongfang Han's cunning.

(End of this chapter)

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