Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 300 She Thinks of Tang Chu Again

Chapter 300 She Thinks of Tang Chu Again
It was really as if Tang Chu was standing in front of him again, with such a harmless smile, even if he was saying some savage words, it still made people unbearable to get angry.

"I heard it!" She also smiled, facing the sun, looking forward happily.

Murong Xue was very grateful for this girl's appearance at this time, and her bright smile pierced into her heart, making the heart that was still irritated just now brighten up in an instant.

The girl who claimed to be the Seventh Princess was also stunned, although she already thought this little girl in white was really pretty.

But now that she smiled, it made people laugh in a mess.

"My God!" She still pointed at Murong Xue, and exclaimed, "My God! Don't laugh anymore! How can you be so beautiful!"

A word uttered made Murong Xue laugh even more.

He rode his horse and approached the Seventh Princess, then clasped his hands and said:

"Seventh Princess, please be polite."

"Oh... oh..." The little girl came back to her senses, looked at her a few more times, then wrinkled her nose, and said very unwillingly: "Really, why do you have to be so good-looking! You want How do people still live!"

"You are beautiful too!" Murong Xue never complimented others, she was telling the truth.

"Really?" The girl waved her hand so beautifully when she heard someone praise her. "Hey! Who are you? Why haven't I seen you before?"

The two walked side by side, did not urge the horse any more, just slipped casually.

Murong Xue answered her——

"I came to Dongsheng with His Royal Highness, and the emperor lent me Xiyan Palace to live in."

"Ah!" The girl opened her mouth into an O shape, and exclaimed in shock, "So you are my brother's savior! Oh my god! No wonder my brother said you are the most beautiful woman in the world. I thought it was him talking nonsense, but you didn't." Think it's true!"

Faced with such straightforward praise, even Murong Xue felt a little embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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