Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 301 Teaching the Princess to Rid a Horse 2

Chapter 301 Teaching the Princess to Rid a Horse 2
"If you want to learn, learn hard. You can't be arrogant, and you can't rush for success. You can't become a fat man in one sitting, and you can't just come up and ride a strong horse like me."

Yinyao was very happy about Murong Xue calling her by her name directly, she felt that she had finally made a friend in this inner courtyard of the palace who didn't regard herself as a princess.

So he nodded hurriedly:

"I know, I know! Xue... Azhu, I listen to you! I understand all those truths, the elder brother of the prince said it before!"

"En." Murong Xue thought for a while, and then said: "Then start from tomorrow! If you come here again at this time tomorrow, I will teach you how to ride a horse!"

"Can't we start today?" Yin Yao tilted his head to look at her, "You teach me now!"

Murong Xue shook her head,
"I'm afraid it won't work today."


She raised her hand and pointed to the outside, followed the direction of her finger faintly, and saw two eunuchs trotting towards this side.

The girl patted her forehead and said:

"It's over, I agreed to see my concubine mother, but I forgot as soon as I got on the horse. Ah Zhu, I have to go first, I will come here to look for you tomorrow, don't lose your word!"

Yin Yao ran away in a hurry, and the palace maids and eunuchs who followed behind her also trotted away.

Soon, she was the only one left on this horse farm.

Looking up at the blue sky, the ancient times that have not been polluted by industry are really beautiful.

She is very grateful for this encounter with Yinyao. Although it didn't last long, just like meeting Tang Chu at that time, the short time together gave her the relaxation and happiness that she had never had before.


From that day on, Murong Xue went to the racecourse to meet Yin Yao every day.

Yin Yao studied very seriously and was very obedient.

Under Murong Xue's teaching, the little girl's riding skills have improved significantly.

(End of this chapter)

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