Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 302 The Emperor Is Sick

Chapter 302 The Emperor Is Sick
Half a month later, she can already ride a tall horse like her.

Regarding her going to the racecourse, she was a little concerned about her seclusion at first.

But after going there for a while, I found that she was hanging out with Yinyao all day, so I felt relieved.

That was his most beloved seventh sister, with a lively temperament and a very good attitude towards others.

If Murong Xue could be happier playing with him, he really wished for it.

However, the loss of that luminous pearl still planted a root of resentment in Emperor Chongren's heart.

The Ninth Five-Year Lord has been standing strong and waiting for his son to come back, and then he has been working hard to discuss with the ruling and opposition officials the war with Yanchi that has begun.

But finally fell down, just two months after hermitage returned to the palace, when the war between the two countries eased a little.

As soon as the emperor fell ill, all the imperial physicians in the palace waited in the Nuanxin Hall day and night, waiting to be called at any time.

Murong Xue didn't know about this at first, but Yinyao sent someone to tell her that something happened recently, and she won't ride a horse for a few days.Then she realized that she hadn't seen Yin Yi for a few days, and she felt a little strange.

Xiyan Palace Hermit comes every day, and she has changed from impatient at the beginning to indifferent now.

People suddenly stopped coming, but I still didn't quite get used to it.

When she learned from the maid that it was because the emperor was ill and that the crown prince and the seventh princess had been staying with her in the Nuanxin Palace, Murong Xue's heart still trembled a little.

Although no one told her why the emperor was ill, she knew in her heart that this matter was always related to it.

So she got dressed and went to the Heart-warming Hall under the guidance of the palace people.

When she arrived, she just saw Yin Yao coming out of the Nuan Pavilion with red and swollen eyes.

He grabbed her arm and asked softly——

"Yinyao, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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