Chapter 313

"Azhu!" Yinyao still struggled to sit up, grabbed Murongxue, and said expectantly: "You are facing my brother, right? You are worried about him, you are worried about Dongsheng!"

She stood still for a long time, but still twitched the corners of her lips and nodded slightly, as if she answered her words.

In fact, she was a little ashamed, it was true that she cared about Yin Yi, otherwise she would not have risked saving her from Dongfang Han.

But when it comes to worrying about Dongsheng, this name is really a bit big.

She has always believed that she does not belong to any country. If she must find a place to belong to, then she only recognizes Dongfang Ling.

Dongsheng treated her well, it was true, but to be honest, she still hoped that Yanchi would win.

But this victory must be won by Dongfang Ling, otherwise it will be meaningless.

"Azhu!" Yinyao still held her arm, "Do you think our Dongsheng will be defeated? If we lose, will it be...the country will be subjugated? Azhu, I know your ability, please help the prince brother Dongsheng must not perish! I heard that the fate of subjugated slaves is very miserable, the men are massacred, and the women are prostitutes... Ah Zhu, I don’t want my country to become like that, Ah Zhu, please help us..."

Tears flowed down the girl's face, Murong Xue pulled the veil beside the pillow to help wipe it off, comforted her lightly, and made her promise——

"Don't worry, Yao'er, I won't let anything happen to you."

Finally out of Xiyan Palace, Murong Xue let out a sigh of relief.

The wind in Xia Ye is also warm, but Dongsheng's current situation makes people feel no warmth at all.

In fact, she really wanted to tell Yinyao that she still liked her smile, because that smile reminded her of a lost beauty...

The second watch has passed, but the hermit's study room is still burning with candles, illuminating the courtyard brightly.

When she arrived, Chang Huan was standing at the door, and a little girl was hesitating whether to bring in the bowl of sweet soup she was holding.

(End of this chapter)

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