Chapter 314
Seeing her coming, Chang Huan took the sweet soup from the girl's hand and walked up to her as if seeing a savior, then handed it forward, saying:
"You came just in time, quickly serve this soup to the master!"

When Murong Xue received it in her hand, it was a little hot.

"Why, he hasn't slept yet?" When talking, he smacked into the room, and then said: "Who is there?"

Chang Huan didn't hide anything, and simply said:

"There are a few generals, and the soldiers of the Whistle Eagle Team." He urged her again: "Go in quickly! We have been kicked out twice after entering, but the master hasn't eaten anything since noon. !Although the battle is urgent, you can’t ignore your health! At this time, you have to go, it’s best to drive those generals away and let the master rest.”

She sighed, then nodded:

"let me try!"

Chang Huan happily led him to the door of the study, then stood outside and shouted respectfully:
"Your Highness! Miss Azhu is here!"

The voices in the room stopped suddenly, and after a short while, the door was opened, and the generals who were discussing the matter came out together.

When they passed by Murong Xue, they all looked at her, and everyone had a look of amazement in their eyes.

She turned a blind eye and retreated away from everyone, then took a light step inside, and then said in a voice:
"Can I come in?"

The young man in front of the writing table had no choice but to smile——

"Haven't your two feet already stepped in! Why are you asking me!"

She gave him a blank look and didn't say anything more. She just stepped forward after Chang Huan closed the door knowingly. When she reached the desk, she put the things in her hand on the table and said:
"In order for Chang Huan to have a better attitude towards me in the future, you should drink this thing! State affairs are important, but if you don't even want your body, then the country will never perish, and it really doesn't make sense .”

(End of this chapter)

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