Chapter 321

Dongfang Ling's reply letter had been pondered for two full days by Hermitage, undecided between fighting and not fighting.

Finally, when Murong Xue brought him another bowl of sweet soup, the focus of his decision shifted to what she said - catch the thief first and catch the king first!

There was no reason, but he suddenly felt that the scene in front of him was extremely happy.

If this girl can bring a bowl of sweet soup to her every day, Yin Yi understands that her life will be as beautiful as the four seasons of spring in Dashun Kingdom.

Murong Xue never imagined that a decision of hers would cause such unexpected waves, but since she gave Yin Yi the blueprint that night, she often felt a faint heartache.

That kind of pain is indescribable, and there is no way to calm it down.

That night, Yin Yi dispatched three elite members of the Whistle Eagle Team to sneak into Dongfang Ling's tent with the newly made steel knife.

Murong Xue was not very optimistic about the assassination of Whistle Eagle Team.

But she couldn't tell Yin Yi.

She can't tell Yin Yi: Your Whistle Eagle Team is not good enough. I think Dongfang Ling and I abducted one of them in such a short distance back then and didn't find the others.

Of course she couldn't say such a thing, so she could only watch the three members of the Whistle Eagle Team take orders and leave, silently praying in her heart that they would succeed immediately.

It's just that she didn't know that after those three people left, Chang Huan whispered such and such instructions in their ears, and a few words were remembered in their hearts, and they were about to be revealed to Dongfang Ling.


The Whistle Eagle Team traveled for three days and finally arrived at Yanchi's camp. The newly made saber was held in the hands of one of the leaders, and it shone coldly in the dark night, forcing people not to look directly at it.

The three eagles that were leaning over the tree and used to follow them did not come out again.

When the hermit was exchanged last time, Eagle's goal was completely exposed, and the other party obviously did enough to deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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