Chapter 322

The eagle is no longer a magic weapon for Dongsheng, and it is even easy to expose the target.

Several people leaned down on the tree for more than an hour, finally, the leader stretched out his hand, and the place where the finger pointed was the biggest tent in Yanchi's camp.

The other two immediately nodded to express their understanding. Their long-term cooperation has allowed them to have an absolute tacit understanding. They don't need too many words. They can understand with just a gesture.

At this time, Dongfang Ling was sitting alone in the handsome tent, holding in his hand the letter from Yin Yi that seemed to be peaceful but actually contained a threat.

He didn't know how many times he read this letter, every time he saw the three words Murong Xue, he would feel a strong regret.

If she had known the fruit of today, she would not have let her steal that bead no matter what.

It's a pity that things have come to this point, and even if I regret it, I can't get back that white-clothed girl.

Dongfang Ling was a little irritable tonight, walking up and down in the tent from time to time.

When a soldier saw that he was still awake and sent him a supper, he just tasted it, and then put it on the table and never touched it again.

I always feel that something will happen tonight, and I have ordered the lieutenant to pay more attention to Dongsheng's movements, and if there is any change, he will immediately regroup the army.

Just waited until midnight, but did not see any disturbance.

People in Yanchi are not very used to this kind of normal summer, especially soldiers in heavy armor, even at night, they still sweat all over their bodies and faces.

Dongfang Ling didn't put on his armor, and reached out to pick up the curtain, ready to pace out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the curtain was lifted, a bright light shot into the eyes at an extremely fast speed.

When he looked up again, the light was gone.

Dongfang Ling was surprised, and became vigilant.

He was about to order the soldiers to pay attention to his surroundings, but before he could open his mouth, he saw that cold light appeared in front of his eyes again, and it was approaching his heart step by step!

A little more today, I guess I can write some later.Xue and Ling will always be together again, don't worry.

(End of this chapter)

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