Chapter 323 Four Players Battle
Immediately realizing that something was wrong, Dongfang Ling suddenly leaned back, bending his whole body at a ninety-degree angle in a posture of lowering his waist.

The cold light passed by the clothes on the chest, without any danger.

The soldiers outside the tent also realized that there was an incoming enemy army. With the sound of a trumpet, the whole army was ready to fight, and they all rushed to the commander's tent.

It was quickly identified that there were only three enemies, but these three were like dead soldiers, completely ignoring the resistance of the generals, and only ran towards one goal, which was Dongfang Ling.

After two rounds, Fang Ling also understood the intention of the visitor.

It seemed that Dongsheng was going to put all his eggs in one basket to take his own life, so he couldn't help but let out a cold snort, then his figure flickered, and he raised the sword thrown by the lieutenant general to meet the enemy.

At the same time, he gestured to the lieutenant general, indicating that the soldiers do not need to step forward.

Seeing that Dongfang Ling faced the enemy alone and did not use crowd tactics to suppress them, the three assassins of the Whistle Eagle Team felt relieved for a while.

But they still didn't dare to be careless, they all knew that the young man in front of him was not as cold as the third prince Dongfang who had retired without success.

That person has been tossing about for half a year, only to lay down Lin'an, and no more achievements, but this young man named Dongfang Ling put the whole Dongsheng in jeopardy in a short period of time.

Anyone who thinks of this matter can't help but sweat in secret, and the three of them immediately raised a hundred cautions to face this head-on confrontation.

The assassins of the Whistle Eagle Team were top-notch, especially the one who carried the saber was ruthless and accurate. Several times the knife passed against Dongfang Ling's scalp, which caused a burst of tension among the generals present.

But he knew in his heart that even though he used the word "shock" to the fullest, in reality there was no "danger" at all.

Dongfang Ling is like a loach, the whole body is slippery and greasy, no matter how you think that the next trick is sure to take it down, you always find yourself careless again after the trick is used.


Thank you for your support, your love is Nini's biggest motivation.

(End of this chapter)

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