Chapter 360 Four Days and Four Nights
She knew that the thing was going to inform Yin Yi, but it didn't matter, if she was quicker, she could reach Tuzhou in four or five days, and even if the people behind her chased her, they probably wouldn't be able to catch up.

As long as they get to Yanchi's place, Dongsheng's people will lose a bit in terms of momentum, so naturally they don't dare to be too presumptuous.

She was thinking like this, but she didn't forget to hear from Yin Yi that Dongfang Ling had retreated fifty miles from Ganyang City.

So now Murong Xue's horse is running, but not straight forward.Just start from the north city gate of Ganyang, and start to circle around the city after walking fifty miles.

First lap around, nobody.

Then adjust the distance a little bit, and then circle around, but there is still no one.

After going around three times, I didn't even see the shadow of a barracks.

The goshawks in the sky above her head began to cry again, and she was anxious, seeing that the sky was already bright, she gritted her teeth, kicked off her horse and headed straight north.

To get to Tuzhou, one must pass through Lin'an first. Ganyang City is not too far from Lin'an, but this run took four days and four nights.

She is single-mindedly moving toward the goal, drinking mountain spring and river water when she is thirsty on the way, and eating some steamed buns that she brought to satisfy her hunger when she is hungry.

In many cases, eating and drinking is done on horseback, and the horse's steps never stop.

But she could stand it like this, and the horse couldn't hold on.

The white horse couldn't run anymore, so she replaced the horse in a nearby village, and left some money for the farmer to take good care of it.

Until she changed to the third horse, Lin'an finally arrived!

At this moment, the gate of Lin'an City was closed tightly.

Murong Xue stopped the horse, stared at the gate and hesitated.

Although this place has been occupied by Yanchi, it is still not Yanchi's native land, let alone an important city.

If you want to find Dongfang Ling, you must go to Tuzhou not far ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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