Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 361 Arriving in Tuzhou

Chapter 361 Arriving in Tuzhou
If you can pass through this Lin'an city, you will soon be able to leave another city gate and go to Tuzhou smoothly.

If you are traveling around the city, at least you have to walk more than half of the way, and the trip will be delayed for a whole day.

But if you want to enter the city, you have to wait until tomorrow morning. Such a delay is another night of time wasted.

The goshawk above her head was still circling with all her strength, which disturbed her a lot.

After thinking about it for a while, he flicked his horsewhip viciously—circling the city!
This is her decision, instead of waiting stupidly, it's better to work a little harder and catch up on time.


When I bypassed Lin'an and rushed to Tuzhou, it was just dawn in the early morning.

I was amazed at my own speed, or to be precise, at the speed of this horse.

It took her only one night to reach Tuzhou. I don't know if it is a miracle.

Because I arrived early, the city gate had not yet opened.

There were already some people waiting anxiously at the door, and when she moved closer, she happened to hear a group of businessmen discussing something in a low voice.

Listening carefully, I found that I was the protagonist of the other party's talk——

"You said, have you caught the girl who is going to be arrested in the palace?"

"Hey! Who knows! There is probably no news, no, when I left the city yesterday, the imperial list was still posted!"

"I heard that the imperial list was reposted later. His Highness Ling Wang said that the girl can only be captured alive, and a finger must not be hurt!"

"The affairs of the royal family are messed up. You have to kill sometime and keep some others. Forget it, let's ignore it, and go home as soon as the city gate opens!"

With a thought in her mind, she came up with an idea of ​​her own, but she wasn't quite sure yet.

After a while, the city gate was slowly opened from the inside, and the guards stood on both sides, and began to conduct routine interrogation of the people coming and going.

(End of this chapter)

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