Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 404 Going to Train the Forbidden Army

Chapter 404 Going to Train the Forbidden Army

"Then what about here?" He turned back to the center of the capital - the imperial palace.

"Imperial Guards." Dongfang Ling also walked up to her, looked at the map and said: "The Imperial Guards and the Jiumen Capital are the guards of the capital and the palace. If they want to start a riot, there is no way without their cooperation." It might work."

"We're fine." She shrugged, "The emperor has already regarded you as his successor in his heart, so why do you take the initiative to find that trouble. You do this just in case. If the emperor changes his mind, In case someone robs you, in case the emperor dies suddenly, you can grasp the overall situation in the fastest time."

Dongfang Ling took a deep breath and had to admit that Murong Xue was really thoughtful.

In fact, he had thought about these things a long time ago, but he never had the chance to actually implement them.

Moreover, there is no good helper around him to cooperate with him, so it has been delayed again and again.

"After the prince's injury is completely healed, I will ask the emperor to hand over all the people from the Imperial Army and the Nine Gates to you for training!"

"Well." He nodded, "You can fight for it, but it may not be successful. The imperial guards and the people in the Nine Gates have always been led by the kings of the past. They are the emperor's personal guards and are not subject to anyone else. clamp."

"I don't want you to command, but to help with training. Only by training the soldiers better can we better protect the emperor. This is for the emperor's benefit. We are only doing coolies, and we don't want to take away his power. "

"It's a good idea." Dongfang Ling felt happy, and there was a smile in his eyes.It's just that when he looked at Murong Xue again, he purposely looked downcast, and said, "When did you call the prince again?"

Seeing that he suddenly changed the subject, she also had no intention of making further entanglements in state affairs.

After all, she was just a woman, not to mention what she could think of, Dongfang Ling naturally knew it already.

Thinking about what she said just now, in fact, she was superfluous.


Today's update is complete, thank you for your support to Nini. For those who like to read the conclusion, I recommend you to watch the first two parts of Nini's "Secret Agent Series": "Secret Agent 1: Feng Laiyi" and "Secret Agent" 2: My Concubine Is an Agent", all of them are finished texts, you can enjoy watching~!

In addition, Ni's final article "The Concubine of the Allure Doctor Embraces the Emperor's Favor: The Palace Doctor Sighs" and "What Year Is the Eve of Qing Chuanzhi" are also very beautiful~
(End of this chapter)

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