Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 405 Dongfang Ling, Do You Hate Me?

Chapter 405 Dongfang Ling, Do You Hate Me?

"When you return to the palace, you always have to avoid suspicion." As soon as the words came out, I felt as if I had bitten my own tongue.Looking at the growing smile in his eyes, he couldn't help stamping his feet, and immediately said: "It's my habit to call people by their names, but this is in the palace, so I can't be too rude."

Dongfang Ling shrugged and ignored her.

To avoid suspicion?That is, in her heart, there is suspicion between him and her?
It's a really good and fun thing to do.

"Don't you hate me?" Murong Xue suddenly followed behind and returned to the table with him, "Dongfang Ling, don't you hate me?"

What she said stunned him, and he was stunned for a while before asking back——

"Why do I hate you?"

"I'm scheming against your father! Dongfang Ling, the man who is so high up and is being schemed by us every day is your father!"

Finally understanding what she meant, Dongfang Ling smiled wryly and shook his head.

他 说:

"Look, Xue, the emperor claims to be a widow. Since he is already a widow, how much family affection can he still have?"

What he said was sad, even if he was as cold and resolute as Dongfang Ling, he would inevitably sigh in vain under such a topic.

Family love is so true, why doesn't he want to enjoy it.

I only sigh that being born in an emperor's family, and gaining power, must be exchanged for something equally important.

God is fair.

"Will you be like this in the future?" Murong Xue is not someone who likes to ask questions, but this so-called royal ruthlessness still makes her feel chills.

"I don't know." He said honestly, "I don't want to lie to you, but who can tell clearly what will happen in the future. That dragon chair is the biggest temptation in the world. Who can guarantee that future generations will not be like us?" Same now?"

She turned around and didn't ask any more questions.

It seems that once power is involved, many things can't be distinguished from right to wrong.

She believes that Dongfang Ling is better than Emperor Wu, but like him, there is no way to guarantee that future generations will not kill again.

(End of this chapter)

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