Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 421 Wei Liang's Daughter's Illness

Chapter 421 Wei Liang's Daughter's Illness
When the two returned to Mo Yunxuan, there happened to be a group of imperial guards patrolling past the gate of the palace courtyard.

With sharp eyes, Murong Xue recognized that one of them was the person named Wei Liang whom Dongfang Ling had pointed out to her.

The directory she got said that the man had a daughter who suffered from eye disease. The four-year-old girl's eyesight was getting weaker day by day, and now she had lost the ability to move independently.

She opened her mouth to stop the person, and after the other guards passed by, she said again:

"Wei Liang, I heard that you have a four-year-old daughter who suffers from eye disease?"

She didn't know how to address him, Wei Liang was just an ordinary general with no official title.Ordinarily she should be called his uncle at her age, but Murong Xue always finds it strange.

If you think about it, you can only call him by his first name.

The man didn't expect her to ask such a sentence, he couldn't help being taken aback, looked at Dongfang Ling, saw him nodding, and then said:

"Go back to Miss Murong, yes."

"Then is there any need to seek medical treatment?" She spoke with concern, abandoning her usual coldness.

Dongfang Ling naturally knew what she was researching these days, and also understood her desire to help her, so he also said at this time:

"Miss Murong asked you a question, just tell the truth! She is sorry for your daughter, if she can help, it will be a good thing for you."

Hearing this, Wei Liangwen knelt down on the ground with a "plop" and kowtowed, his words choked with sobs—

"Thank you, Your Highness Ling Wang, and Miss Murong!"

"Get up!" Murong Xue stretched out her hand to help, and then persuaded: "Don't thank me too early, whether I can help or not is uncertain. You get up quickly, there are many people in the palace who are distracted. Just helping out, people will think what we want if they see it!"

Wei Liang naturally understood what she meant. Dongfang Ling was already on the cusp of training the imperial guards.

(End of this chapter)

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