Chapter 422
If at this time someone deliberately grabs some people who don't have a handle, it is really not worth the candle.

"Did you see a doctor for her eye disease?" She asked again.

Wei Liang immediately replied——

"I did look for it! But the doctor who came looked at it and gave me the medicine. The little girl took the medicine for more than a year, but she didn't see any improvement. Her mother almost cried herself blind because of this incident! "

"Didn't you find a famous doctor? Or ask the imperial doctor in the palace to take a look?"

"Hey!" Wei Liang sighed, "I'm not afraid of the girl's jokes, we are just ordinary soldiers. Although we have entered the palace and worked as a beauty, we can't get a few wages after a month. I am the only one at home. Using the money to buy rice, plus the child's illness...already...already almost spent, how can there be money to hire a famous doctor. The imperial doctor in the palace is for the masters, how can we hire it! "

Murong Xue nodded, the answer was pretty much what she expected.

"Let me go and have a look later!" She smiled lightly, her face full of sincerity. "You don't need to worry about this matter. I will go there by myself when I have time. Someone will tell me where your family lives. I just have a look, and I don't necessarily have a good look. So you don't want to tell others about this matter, lest you People gossip about it.”

"Hey! Hey!" Wei Liang agreed, and was about to kneel and kowtow again, but was stopped by Dongfang Ling.

"Go to work! Don't worry about other things!"

Seeing Wei Liang leave, he turned to Murong Xue again and said:
"Can it be cured?"

she shook her head,

"I don't know, I have to read it before I say it."

He is helpless,
"I always feel that there are endless secrets in your body. It's enough to surprise me that you can make improved weapons. Now you can see a doctor. It's really..."

He didn't know what words to use to express it, as if no words could fully express the feeling in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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