Chapter 460

I would rather forget each other

It's just that the fifth day of the lunar new year is Tang Chu's memorial day, and she always doesn't want too many people to know that there is a Tang Chu.

Although there was nothing wrong with each other, the relaxed and carefree time they got together that day made her remember it in her heart, and it was impossible for her to forget each other for the rest of her life.

It's not that she wants to hide from Dongfang Ling, she just doesn't know what to say.

In fact, if Tang Chu is still alive, this matter is still easy to talk about.

She thought of him as a very special friend, the only one who could make her happy.

But now that he is dead, she doesn't know how to tell Dongfang Ling that there is always a dead person in her heart.

Sometimes people are so strange, they memorize something inexplicably, and then they will never forget it throughout their lives.


Finally kneeling in front of the Buddha, this was the first time she worshiped the god so devoutly, and prayed so devoutly for the god to grant her wish.

But she knew that she was asking too much, because she actually hoped that Tang Chu could be like her. Although she died in this life, her soul could continue to live in another time and space.

I don't know if it's luck or what, but if praying to Buddha is really useful, she would rather come here often to worship.

If Tang Chu could be reborn in exchange, she would rather forget about him in the rivers and lakes from then on.

To this day, Murong Xue still believes that Tang Chu would have lived longer if she hadn't met her.


After a brief worship, she rode back.It only took one morning to go back and forth, and she thought that she would have lunch with Dongfang Ling in time.

On the way back home, the smell of sauced beef in a well-known restaurant in the capital wafted out in the wind.

She was in a good mood, so she got off her horse and bought a big bag to bring back.

But when he returned to the mansion, he found that Dongfang Ling, who had promised to be fine today, was not in the mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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