Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 461 Dongfang Ling took over Xiyao

Chapter 461 Dongfang Ling Brought Back to Xiyao
She asked Biqing, who said:

"A girl named Xiyao came to look for her, saying that her father was critically ill, and asked the prince to take a look."

The girl who was walking towards the corridor suddenly paused, her eyebrows that were still stretched suddenly frowned, and then she murmured:
"What if it's not over yet?"

"Is there something wrong?" Biqing didn't know anything about Xiyao, although she was very puzzled by her sudden arrival and successfully calling Dongfang Ling away, but she was a servant, so she couldn't speculate on her master's intentions.

It can be seen that Murong Xue has such a strange behavior, so he knows that there must be some entanglements that he does not know about.

"It's okay." She said lightly, and then stuffed the bag of sauced beef into Biqing's hand—"Take it and give it to the servants to eat!"


Dongfang Ling came back in the evening, and Xiyao also entered the mansion with him.

At that time, Murong Xue was hanging upside down from a tree in the yard, and saw those two people passing by the gate of her yard.

The man walking in front paused and looked towards her, but she looked away casually.

Not long after, the footsteps sounded again, but they went farther and farther until they could no longer be heard.

The next morning, she got up earlier.

I didn't eat dinner yesterday, so my stomach raised a protest early in the morning.

She knew that the servants in the kitchen got up very early, so she wandered over there to see if there was anything ready-made for her to eat.

When he just turned a corner, he could see Xiyao was taking a broom and sweeping away the snowflakes that fell from last night on a clearing not far away.

She was stunned for a moment, but she didn't stop, she still walked towards her goal.

Xiyao... She murmured in her heart, that was just an accidental appearance, it shouldn't disturb her footsteps, and it shouldn't disturb her finally settled life.

(End of this chapter)

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