Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 463 Dongfang Ling, Please Make Me Trust You

Chapter 463 Dongfang Ling, Please Make Me Trust You
As for Murong Xue being a princess, Xiyao didn't realize it for a while.

However, according to Bi Qing's instructions, he knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to her, then spoke softly——

"Slave Xiyao, please greet Princess Luoxue."

Murong Xue could hear the doubt and reluctance in her words, but she didn't say anything, she just waved her hands and ordered her to back down.

Have a good breakfast, she doesn't want to be affected by this person's appearance.

As for why Dongfang Ling brought her back to the mansion, she knew there must be some reason in that issue.

Xiyao is very scheming and stubborn, and Dongfang Ling naturally understands that Murongxue doesn't like her.

Ordinarily he would not do what she didn't like, but since Xiyao entered the mansion, she believed that Dongfang Ling would give her an explanation sooner or later.

Since she chooses each other, she must trust each other. She understands this.

But when he swallowed the last mouthful of porridge, what the officer said once again echoed in his ears——

"Remember, no one is reliable in this world. Including me, and every companion around you. The only one you can trust is yourself!"

She thought it was absolutely the truth at the time, but after the training that day, she heard the woman code-named "Death" Wei Lai whispering to herself.

she says--

"Actually, I am sometimes unreliable."

Dongfang Ling...

She gathered her eyes, please let me believe you!

I don't want to say anything in front of my servants, but I can't just turn a blind eye to Xiyao.

Sometimes deliberate indifference proves that you care.

She didn't want to give that feeling, so an hour later, she was the one who found Xiyao who was drying the clothes first.

Unexpectedly, Murong Xue would come to him so soon, Xiyao was startled for a moment, then wiped his wet hands on his clothes a few times, and said:
"Snow Maiden."

(End of this chapter)

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