Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 464 Please Let Me Stay

Chapter 464 Please Let Me Stay

She nodded and asked:
"How did Sieber get there?"

When mentioning his father, Xiyao's expression darkened all of a sudden, and he said with a choked voice:

"It's asthma for many years. My father has practiced medicine all his life. He can cure others, but he can't cure himself."

She nodded in understanding.

There are some people like this. In the past, there was a doctor in Murong's family who was very skilled in medicine, but he was always suffering from illnesses.

When she was young, she once asked her grandpa why that relative didn't treat her, and her grandpa told her: Not all doctors can treat her.

Looking at Xiyao again, I suddenly felt that there was actually nothing to say between her and her.

What kind of thoughts the other party has is her business, so why bother to embarrass herself for no reason.

As soon as she thought of this, her heart became much smoother, so she turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Xiyao quickly trotted two steps to stop her, showing apology and pleading at the same time.

She looked so pitiful that she couldn't help but wonder, did she use this look yesterday to make Dongfang Ling unable to hate her and throw her away in the end?

As soon as this idea came up, she quickly threw it away. She knew that Dongfang Ling was not that kind of person.

In that man's heart, I'm afraid he doesn't have that much compassion.

He was able to take a look at Xibo, and he had already recited his life-saving grace.

Dongfang Ling is too similar to her, I'm afraid that there is really an important hidden secret about bringing Xiyao back to Prince Ling's mansion.

"What's the matter?" Her voice was indifferent, and her person was even more icy cold. Xiyao had to be brave enough to look directly into her eyes.

"Yeah." She nodded, and then said:

"Snow Maiden, please let me stay. My father passed away suddenly, and I don't know people in the capital. I really... have nowhere to go. Please rest assured, Xue Maiden, I will do my duty as a servant, and I will definitely not There will be half a point overstepping!"

(End of this chapter)

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