Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 465 Remember, he is the prince and I am the princess

Chapter 465 Remember, he is the prince and I am the princess
She really wanted to ask why she insisted on staying away from Tuzhou since she knew she was unfamiliar with this place?

But the words that reached his lips were suppressed back, and when he spoke again, he said:

"Aren't you already in the mansion, why don't you talk about staying or not?"

"But Mr. Ling said, if you don't agree or are unhappy, you will drive me away at any time! Miss Xue! I really won't cause trouble, please let me stay, please!"

Xiyao became eager, and subconsciously grabbed the corner of Murong Xue's clothes with his hand, but immediately retracted it from the bored eyes he cast over him.

"Remember what you said." She waved her hand and said, "If you do your part as a servant, I won't chase you away. But if you keep calling like Mr. Ling and Miss Xue, I'm afraid I won't chase you away. Biqing will not allow you to stay in this mansion any longer. Remember! Here, he is the prince and I am the princess!"

Putting these words aside, she didn't stay any longer, and turned around under Xiyao's gaze.

So I didn't see that look of extreme grievance, and I didn't see that kind of grievance, but also a trace of complaint.

But Xiyao was still afraid of her, it was an involuntary fear.

The aura on Murong Xue's body should not be underestimated, it was something she couldn't hide even if she wanted to.

If she could suppress the emotions that surged up in her heart every day, she would never choose to live with this girl under the same roof.

It's just that whenever she thinks of Dongfang Ling, that kind of mood is the same as her fear of Murong Xue, and she can't hide even if she wants to.


Because of the Chinese New Year, many officials from other places returned to Beijing to report on their duties.

After the restoration of the early court, the matter of Dongfang Ling's training of the Imperial Guard and the Nine Gates' Capital was moved to the court hall for discussion.

After the two court meetings, Dongfang Ling offered to give up his part of the Yanchi army's military power in order to distract people's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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