Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 466 Finding Another General

Chapter 466 Find Another General

Without the soldiers and horses of the Yanchi army, most of the power in his hands has been lost.

Although he was in charge of training the imperial guards and the Nine Gates Capital, the decision-making power was still in the hands of the emperor.

People are relatively satisfied with this concession made by Dongfang Ling.

Regarding his request, Emperor Wu also nodded, and would personally divide Dongfang Ling's military power into two.

One of them was handed over to the sixth prince, Dongfang Yang, while the other half was kept empty for now.

In the words of Emperor Wu, the other half of the military power will not be given to any prince, and he will personally select one of the generals who will return to Beijing to report his duties.

Dongfang Ling mentioned this matter to Murong Xue, the girl narrowed her eyes, after a long while she had to praise her for her brilliance.

"Although the military power of the Yanchi army is very important, compared with the imperial guards and the Nine Gates Capital, the weight is still a bit lighter." She rubbed her nose and continued: "What's more, the military power that was given up was given to Half of the Sixth Highness is still yours."

Dongfang Ling was noncommittal, and then said:

"We still have to try our best to find another person to choose to take over the other half. Although I voluntarily gave up, I still can't just watch it fall into the hands of others."

Murong Xue went through the situation when he was in the barracks again in his mind, and then said:
"That lieutenant Xue Rui is actually a good candidate, capable and loyal to you, but it's a pity that he can't be used."

"Yeah." He nodded, "Xue Rui's younger brother Xue Qi is the commander of the imperial army. If Xue Rui is promoted to the position of Yanchi's coach, it is inevitable that some people will criticize him, and he might be harmed. There is still one person... "

His voice slowed down, lost in thought.

Murong Xue didn't bother, leaving time for him to think quietly.

The candle wick in the study was crackling, she turned her head to look, only to feel that the small flame was so awkward that it was the person in the mansion who shouldn't be here.Feeling restless for a while...

(End of this chapter)

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