Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 482 About Concubine A Tong Jin and Concubine Yi 4

Chapter 482 About Concubine A Tong Jin and Concubine Yi 4
"Actually, I didn't know this until later. It turned out that the third sister fell in love with Emperor Dongsheng when he came to Tuzhou, but at that time the other party only had his sister in his eyes. The sister fled by accident, but it was given to me. Such an opportunity for her."

Jinpin was talking about the past, which sounded like a story to others, but to her, it was the pain that had been hidden in her heart for many years.

"After two years, the matter gradually faded away, and my sister dared to contact us secretly. At that time, she and Xi Dahai had already given birth to a daughter. I was very surprised when I received the letter. It was really unexpected. The fairy-like elder sister actually gave birth to a child so soon. After all, the emperor of Dongsheng knew about the elder sister's news. Later, I thought, it must be the third sister who leaked the news. Dad was always very scared when he heard about it. At that time, it was time for Yanchi's show selection, so he sent me to Yanchi's palace, thinking that if I became Yanchi's favorite concubine, even if Emperor Dongsheng had eight guts, he would not dare to look for the Su family again. Trouble."

The story is not long, but the twists and turns in it can only be understood by the person involved.

Seeing that Concubine Jin was lost in thought again, Murong Xue had no choice but to speak again:

"What then?"

Pin Jin knew that what she was asking was why A-Tong got into trouble with Emperor Wu later, so she quietly answered:

"Later, I was favored by the emperor and made me a concubine. At this time, I heard that the third sister wrote to my elder sister, saying that she was invited to Dongsheng's palace to have a talk, and that the emperor loved her very much. Don't pursue it anymore."

"That's our youngest sister. My sister loved her since she was a child. She couldn't help thinking about her kindness, so she went alone. In fact, the emperor of Dongsheng is not a bad person. Although his sister's arrival made him restless for a while, he didn't Difficulty with it. But no one thought that the mistake would be at the banquet on my sister's last night in the palace..."

(End of this chapter)

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