Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 483 About Concubine A Tong Jin and Concubine Yi 5

Chapter 483 About Concubine A Tong Jin and Concubine Yi 5
"In the end, the alcohol caused the trouble. The emperor was drunk and finally couldn't control himself that night. Afterwards, my sister almost went crazy, and she jumped into Xiaozhao Lake in the palace that night, but unfortunately she was rescued again. "

Saying that, Jin Bin cast her eyes on Dongfang Ling——

"Speaking of which, I really have to thank your father. If he hadn't suddenly visited Dongsheng's palace, we sisters would never have had the chance to meet, and I wouldn't have known about these things..."

She said she was grateful, but when she said this, there was a hint of sadness in Jinpin's eyes.

Murong Xue understands that love is selfish, even if the person she shares with is her own sister, the other person will feel bad.

On the one hand, Concubine Jin is grateful for allowing the sisters to meet each other during that year's east tour, but at the same time, she also resents that year's east tour for allowing Emperor Wu to see Ah Tong, and she will never forget it for the rest of her life.

But in this deep inner courtyard, no matter how much hatred or resentment you have in your heart, you can't say it out, you can only hide it in your heart and let those emotions decay slowly.

"In that year, my sister had already given birth to a son for the emperor of Dongsheng. When I saw her, her face, which was originally so beautiful, was haggard like a ghost. The beauty is still so beautiful, but it reveals endless The emperor was attracted by her when he first saw her, but she was crying at the time. I rushed over to ask her what happened, and my sister told the truth. I begged the emperor to save her, and the emperor agreed .”

"We persuaded Emperor Dongsheng with threats and threats, and then rescued my sister. The third sister quietly stole my sister's beads from Emperor Dongsheng and returned them to my sister. My sister also kept a fan-shaped bead. Yu gave it to her, saying it was for the son she hadn’t been close to for a day.”

(End of this chapter)

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