Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 493 Completion of Princess Mansion

Chapter 493 Completion of Princess Mansion

There are some words, whether you say them or think about them, you will always feel pain in your heart——

"Someone once said such a sentence, he said: As long as you are willing to shake your head at fate, you can get what you want." She sighed softly, with a bit of desolation, "But he didn't know, how could a mortal be against fate?" What about shaking your head? Xiyao's appearance was accidental and inevitable, even if we didn't meet in the mountains, I'm afraid one day, this person will appear in front of us sooner or later. Dongsheng has her relatives, let her go!"


It is meaningless to live in the palace, Murong Xue proposed to go back to the palace.

This was the first time she offered to go back. Dongfang Ling didn't ask the reason, but she said it herself——

"The Princess Mansion is already under construction, I must go and have a look."

He knew it was perfunctory, because after returning home, Murong Xue asked him to immediately find a few skilled generals, who not only had to be dexterous but also thoughtful.

This time Dongfang Ling couldn't hold back and asked the reason, but she shook her head and said:

"Whether something will happen or not is still uncertain. I just want to try it. Don't ask for it. You will know when it is done."

So he didn't ask, and went up and down the court to practice soldiers every day.

Three months later, the Princess Mansion on the west side of the palace was completed. Emperor Wu personally wrote the plaque, and the great eunuch Qin Ying hung it on the gate of the mansion.

Murong Xue also officially moved to live in the West Courtyard.

After all, she is 12 years old, so it's not easy to live with Dongfang Ling all the time.

It was fine to be a servant in the past, but now Emperor Wu gave her the honor of a princess, even if it was just a show, she had to show it to outsiders.

Dongfang Ling has no taboos about these, in his words - everyone knows that you are from my Palace of Ling, it doesn't matter where you live!
With the completion of the Princess Mansion, the things she gathered craftsmen to create were officially presented to Dongfang Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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