Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 494 Repeating Crossbow

Chapter 494 Repeating Crossbow
It was a very strange looking thing, but Dongfang Ling could still recognize it, it was a shrunken chariot used for leading troops to fight.

There is a large chariot on the battlefield, which looks like a bow and arrow laid flat. It can be connected with more than 30 long arrows at the same time. Several soldiers will pull them together and then release them with great force.

What Murong Xue is carrying now is very similar to that chariot, but there are many more details on it.

For example, a square box in the middle, or the rows of grooves in the front.

The thing was made of wood, he took it and picked it up, it was very light.

After comparing the size, I found that it was only half the size of an adult's arm, which is very delicate.

Pull the bottom away, there seems to be suction inside, like a bow and arrow, when you pull it away, a force will be fully charged.

When I let go again, there was a "snap", and the pulled out part quickly returned to its original position. At the same time, I felt the momentum coming from the top, which was very powerful.

He raised his hands and asked:
"what is this?"

"Liannu!" Murong Xue replied simply and crisply, and at the same time handed over a very short and delicate arrow held in the other hand, instructing Dongfang Ling—"Push the heads of these things forward and put them in the back of the pump." into the slot, and then click on the board next to the slot."

He did as he said, and found that there was also a mechanism on the wooden board, and with a light press, it was like a cover to cover the short arrows.

"Take it outside and try it." She reminded the other party, and took the lead to push open the door, then pointed to the sky - "Send it to the sky!"

Dongfang Ling looked up, and pigeons happened to fly in the sky a few times.

So he put more force on his hand, pulled it out again, and then let go of it suddenly.

But it can be seen that the ten short arrows that were put in before shot out at the same time. They were gathered together at the beginning, but they scattered in all directions shortly after they were shot out.

(End of this chapter)

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