Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 495 Xiyao's departure brought me a sense of urgency

Chapter 495 Xiyao's departure brought me a sense of urgency
She explained it very carefully, demonstrating as she spoke, until she had explained all the functions, and then brought back a spare short arrow and asked Dongfang Ling to try it a few more times.

He got started very quickly, and in less than a day, he could already reach an accuracy rate of 90.00%.

Murong Xue couldn't help admiring them secretly, only saying that they were indeed martial arts talents, much better than their original training in the National Security Bureau.

The sky was getting dark, and it was only when Biqing came to ask them to eat that they realized that it was already this time.

Even though she moved to live in the Princess Mansion, Murong Xue still eats almost three meals a day in Lingwang Mansion.

She was used to staying in the palace, and she had to meet with Dongfang Ling every day anyway, so she simply didn't arrange shopping personnel in her own mansion.

The huge kitchen is only used to cook for the servants.

In her small kitchen, she occasionally makes some small snacks for her to beat her teeth at night.

Dinner was very simple, neither of them paid much attention to what they ate, as long as they could fill their stomachs.

After eating, I walked casually in the garden. There was nothing to see, but I just liked the tranquility.

Dongfang Ling had been holding that crossbow all the time. He liked it very much, and would fiddle with it a few times from time to time.

Murong Xue chuckled lightly, and said casually:
"This is reserved for you to train your soldiers. You can make a large number of them, or you can choose a small number of people to train secretly. But why do I feel like I made a toy for you now!"

Without answering her words, Dongfang Ling suddenly raised the object in his hand and said:

"When you were in the palace, you suddenly proposed to go back to the mansion, just to catch up with this?"

Murong Xue was taken aback for a moment, then nodded——


"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"...Because Xiyao's departure has brought me a sense of urgency." She said truthfully, "Although the political situation is considered stable at present, we still have a lot to do if we want to succeed. The time before you can succeed It's still early, and as time goes on, there will inevitably be changes."

(End of this chapter)

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